Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Company Politics 1 - 0 Me .

Although I'd expected to be in tricky situations, never in my life would I have predicted it to hit me during my second week. On top of that, the people there seemed nice, and I in turn, did not feel like I alienated anyone. I mixed around, and yeah, never would I have predicted to be hit like that.

I do not know who did it but hey, come to talk about it, even if I did, I don't think I'd be pissed with that person. The issue at hand was just to bizzare, maybe not so for an old-timer, but it seemed bizzare enough to me as it all arised from jealousy. Now what have you people, with all your perks, have got to be envious about I have absolutely no idea. Hell it's kinda hilarious the more I think about it. And my pity goes to you. Really. I had no intention whatsoever of you?

All the same, the boss was, well, diplomatic about it, and I was relieved I didn't get a bashing. He was understanding enough. Just told me to have my wits around me-self in the future cos these things do tend to happen (though, again, its bizzare!!).

So, there. My first dose of office reality.

Monday, September 10, 2007


It's been a rather uneventful week. And I'm rather enjoying what I'm doing. Hell with what the others think. I'm doing what I like, I do not regret being nonchalant. I hope it doesn't come back and bite me.

On another note, I've fallen for Meet Uncle Hussain. This indie/alternative outfit is nothing short of smashing. As talented as they come, the band carries a raw yet edgy sound, and they definitely know their stuff, defintely one to look out for. Check out their songs Lagu untukmu, Mahkota and Hanya Khayalan.

For those into local indie bands, do give them a try. Sapport Meet Uncle Hussain! Support local music!!!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I'm bored.

Really bored.

Seriously, I'm really bored.

It's past six and here I am, having to sit through the next two half hours for that meeting.

Although I'm impressed with the freelancer editor, that doesn't mean I'm not pissed. I am, in fact, feeling royally pissed with the pass of each second.

And the more the seconds go by, the more I feel I'm being fucked over.

Sigh. it has been a bad day.

may peace and love been upon you peoples.