Monday, March 20, 2006

Castle Alert

The Castle in Bangsar sucks. Big time.

Expecting a hip crowd with lotsa chicks, I was clearly wrong when I was instead greeted by the sight of a 50-year-old uncle dirty dancing with a hooker lookalike. With the crowd mostly made up of Indians, Malays and a handful of Africans, the club was overly loud with its brand of R&B music (where's the trance?!) and the chicks? None visible throughout the night. That's just plain sad I have to say.

After a few boring hours of watching people shake their asses on the dancefloor, the bachelors decided that enough was enough and we took to the streets, in need for some serious eye washing while friends with their significant halves stayed back at the club to do their "thing".

My messed up night didn't stop there though. Instead of drinking myself into a drunken stupor and then chauffered home, I ended up being the sober one driving the drunkards back as they were happily in "Drunkland". I don't understand how, after straight shots of Jim Beam on rocks, I still didn't come close to getting drunk. It was one of those what-the-fuck-nights.

On a bright note, I finally found "Sleepers" by Lorenzo Carcaterra at Payless and it was a bargain at RM 36. Also got Stephen King's "The Talisman" and the first book of his Dark Tower series, "The Gunslinger".

Damn I'm in a mood to annoy so tell me, anyone knows where to hire a 1950s classic housewife?


Blogger 小燕子 said...

ohhh shut up!

8:24 PM  

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