Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bored, bored, bored

So here I am, on a beautiful Sunday morning, in the blardy office, blogging away instead of being in the comforts of my bed. Hell, it just ain't the way to be working on a Sunday when the sky's so blue and when you can see the thick white clouds over your head. And worse is when you have nothing to do until 5 in the evening.

Weekend at home was great though. Hung out with me mates on Friday at some mamak near The Curve and smoked "pot". Just kidding fellas, weed kills ya, "shisha" pawns. Somehow or other, we ended up at CyberHit in ss2 after that and something incredible happened,

I OWNED USING DROW !!!! whoooohooo!!

Am still a noob but damn happy leh cos some of my frens are pro players. Man it was a good time we had, the "pemusnah's". *laughs*

Then mom decided to take a short trip to Genting with sis and they won't be back until tomorrow so me dad and I had the house to ourselves on Saturday and there's nothing cooler than lazing around with your dad and shooting the crap out of each other.

Watched Cold Mountain and Ray on the idiot box and while Ray wasn't as good as all that hype suggested, Cold Mountain was fantastic. The settings, the acting, the plot, the music, that thick southern and northern American accent, fantastic I tell you. Hope to get myself the book by Charles Frazier by this week if possible.

So there you go, a full review of my weekend. And it's another week gone already.

Mondays bloody suck. Shite.


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