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Deepavali was a quiet affair this time round with none of the usual hustle and bustle around granny's. I think it might have something to do with the moon. Don't ask me, I don't get it as well. One thing it succeeded in reminding me though, was of how fast we're all getting old, both in positive and negative ways.
School has been the same ol' same and I'd rather not saw the sawdust over and over again. Results for the previous semester was poor though, poorer than what I had in mind. I'm gonna be damned if I lost the bet.
Anyways, I'm currently engrossed in the world of anime and up till now, have watched the likes of Tenjo Tenge, Shakugan no Shana, Yu Yu Hakusho, Paradise Kiss and Flame of Recca. Plan to get Nana real soon and check up on Honey & Clover which has proved to be elusive so far. (can't seem to be able to find it in all the stores I've visited. For those who know where to get it, i'd be grateful if you could leave me a comment)
On football, the red army seem to be doing real well in the league and in Europe with the latest a 2-0 whipping of the Scousers. Hopefully, we can build on the fantastic run of form and finally reclaim both domestic and European titles. For the rent boys in blue and the gay bastards who kononnya play to score beautiful goals, you all can, in woon's very own words:
School has been the same ol' same and I'd rather not saw the sawdust over and over again. Results for the previous semester was poor though, poorer than what I had in mind. I'm gonna be damned if I lost the bet.
Anyways, I'm currently engrossed in the world of anime and up till now, have watched the likes of Tenjo Tenge, Shakugan no Shana, Yu Yu Hakusho, Paradise Kiss and Flame of Recca. Plan to get Nana real soon and check up on Honey & Clover which has proved to be elusive so far. (can't seem to be able to find it in all the stores I've visited. For those who know where to get it, i'd be grateful if you could leave me a comment)
On football, the red army seem to be doing real well in the league and in Europe with the latest a 2-0 whipping of the Scousers. Hopefully, we can build on the fantastic run of form and finally reclaim both domestic and European titles. For the rent boys in blue and the gay bastards who kononnya play to score beautiful goals, you all can, in woon's very own words:
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