Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Lost & found....sorta

The "ancient alcatel", as many of my friends would refer to my phone, has finally decided to loosen itself from my grip and instead chose to dwell among a sea of taxi drivers. (wtf indeed...)

It all happened as C. and I took a cab to Tmn Mayang to collect her repaired car. At that exact moment, I remember thinking "What can possibly be worse after seeing your gf's car all knocked up?". Well, lady luck sure has her ways of making my day.

It was at the petrol station when I was about to fill the car's tank that I groped around my pockets and realized that it was gone. Tried calling and texting my tellie asking whoever found it to return it to me without any real hope that the fucker would anyway. What amused me most was the fact that there was somebody who would actually want an old, faded looking that, doesn't cease to surprise me.

Well, no remorse felt actually cos it's an old phone plus the fact that it has been causing me quite some problems of late, but boy has it served me well during the 2++ years I've been using it.

looking on the bright side, I'll get a brand new tellie come tomorrow ay...



Blogger 小燕子 said...

*kiss*...gibb you my 6610 lar...n u gibb me ur new fone...nyeknyeknyek...

6:03 PM  

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